Monday, October 1, 2007
Dog,Horse Or Daughter " Everything Is Fine For That Man"
An Edmonton-area man who repeatedly raped his daughter and had sex with her dogs and a horse will face a dangerous offender hearing, court heard yesterday.
Crown prosecutor Tania Holland told a judge she has filed in court the required approval from the Alberta attorney-general to proceed with the hearing.
Dates were set in March to deal with the admissibility of records and the two-week hearing will begin in June.
Defence lawyer Laurie Wood said her client was OK with the lengthy wait because he knows he is facing a long prison term and could be tagged a long-term offender.
But, she said: "I don't think he's a dangerous offender."
Wood added that her 53-year-old client is doing fine in the Edmonton Remand Centre, where he is being kept in an area commonly referred to as the "old-timer's unit."
While dangerous offenders are handed indefinite prison sentences, people designated long-term offenders are subject to supervision in the community for up to 10 years following the completion of their prison sentence.
The man, who cannot be named to protect the victim's identity, pleaded guilty in May to committing incest and sexually assaulting his daughter over a 14-year period.
He also pleaded guilty to committing bestiality with dogs and a horse over a nearly 16-year period, forcing his daughter to commit bestiality with a dog and trying to get the victim's younger sister to sexually touch him.
Court heard the man had earlier served a two-year sentence in the 1990s after being convicted of sexually assaulting the daughter and other children.
After being let out, the man was allowed to live with his family in a trailer west of the city. On his second day out, he raped his then-eight-year-old daughter, an event which occurred almost nightly for the next 14 years.
According to agreed facts, the victim tried several times to tell her mother what was going on, but then always denied it out of fear when her mother confronted her father.
Court heard the man regularly showed pornographic movies to the victim and her younger sister.
According to the agreed facts, the man always owned female dogs and had sex with them all. Court documents said, "If the dogs would not have sex, he would beat them with chains or bats. He would choke the dogs to try to get what he needed. If the animals would not have sex with him, the animal would end up dead."
The victim said she often saw her dad having sex with their dogs and her horse and on one occasion, he raped her and tried to make her have sex with the dog.
However, she began crying hysterically and the dog almost bit him.
The victim, now 23, was last raped in August 2003, but continued to live at home over concern for her sisters.
In 2005 she moved out and, after arranging for her mom and sisters to secretly leave, she went to police.
Posted by Ajay ::
6:02 PM ::

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