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Interesting Findings And World Unfolding Through My Eyes.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How To Live UP Innovation Hype

In February, Matthew Desch, chief executive officer of Iridium, the maker of portable phones with service provided by a network of satellites, was visiting the National Air & Space Museum in Washington, D.C. He overheard two men talking unfavorably—and inaccurately—about his company, which can provide telecommunications in remote areas, such as in deserts or the middle of the ocean, where there are no cellular towers.

"Yeah, Iridium isn't around any more. It went bankrupt in 2000," one of the museum-goers said as he looked at a display of an Iridium satellite. Desch wanted to tell the men that Iridium is actually still around after private investors resurrected it in 2001 and that the company saw $212 million in sales and $54 million in profits in 2006.

Desch walked closer to the display and discovered why the men were misinformed about Iridium's current profitable state. The plaque beside the satellite read like an obituary, declaring Iridium's life span from 1999 to 2000. According to the sign, Iridium—initially funded by Motorola (MOT) in 1998 to an avalanche of publicity—was kaput, after going bankrupt when the phones failed to catch on with consumers. To Desch's dismay, the museum sign had no information about the company's subsequent resurrection and current success.
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Posted by Ajay :: 10:12 AM :: 0 comments

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If We Taught English The Way We Teach Mathmatics

Imagine that your only contact with "English" as a subject was through classes in school. Suppose that those classes, from elementary school right through to high school, amounted to nothing more than reading dictionaries, getting drilled in spelling and formal grammatical construction, and memorizing vast vocabulary lists -- you never read a novel, nor a poem; never had contact with anything beyond the pedantic complexity of English spelling and formal grammar, and precise definitions for an endless array of words. You would probably hate the subject.
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Posted by Ajay :: 10:05 AM :: 0 comments

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First Time Laughed

Rustam live near river Ganga especially on that bank where peoples came for burning dead body .Every day he experience,see every kind of grievances,peoples came weeping,screaming ,he never found single person who came laughing and thats also Rustam's ill fate too.Because...
One day one dead body came with not much people to follow beside one women who was pushing bull cart with big laughter.And strange it seems to Rustam that that dead man too seems laughing.
Rustam ran towards them to receive and he too started laughing first time in his life.Then that women asked but why are you laughing?.Because One sage said that if I encounterd any dead people laughing that day I will get rid of from this place where I'm living since eternity and now you couple made my life worth.Again he laughed...this time that couple too joined...

Posted by Ajay :: 9:21 AM :: 0 comments

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