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Interesting Findings And World Unfolding Through My Eyes.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Secret of Living Life Longer

At 90 years of age my grandfather died,my grandmother died at 85.Both had spotless memories,could recall 70years ,60 years back incident as it happened yesterday.Well,believer as they were,had very positive look towards life,same things now finds by researchers that,people who live longer due to, their Optimists approach towards life.Researchers found that of nearly7,000 adults followed since their college days in the 1960s,those who were optimistic in their youth had a lower risk of dying over the next40 years than their more pessimistic peers..
On average,the most pessimistic study participants were 42 percent more likely to die of any cause than the most postive participants,according to findings published in Mayo Clinic Journal..The current findings could be explain by number of factors.Foe example,they say optimists are less likely to suffer from depression than are pessimists,which could,in turn,affect their physical health.
They may also maintain a healtheir lifestyle,paying more attention to their diet and excerise habits.These latest findings are based on a 40 years follow-up of 6,958 men and women who entered the university of North Carolina,Chapel Hill in the mid !960s.At the time,they took a standard personality test that gauges a person's tehdency to be optimistic or pessimistic.In this study,1,630,were(P)and923(O).And others in between.

Posted by Ajay :: 6:12 PM :: 0 comments

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That Lonely Feeling

I think sometimes people forget that feeling lonely and being alone are two different things.A person can be in relationship and still feel lonely.Why is that?

Posted by Ajay :: 6:06 PM :: 0 comments

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Uhhhhhhhhnnnn!Snoozing at office? Its ok.

Everymorning,Sun arises as red as crying baby's face,birds sings as new found love,flower bloom in the misty morning , kissing on the check of fog and our day starts at 6:am with cup of coffee and newspaper in one hand.At 8:30 ,we starts our office work and mind and body which were sharp at 9:am , now get SNOOZING !when work stretch longer,we get headche,back pain all that.
There is one solution for all this as found by researchers that is,sleeping on the job improves your work.It sharpens mental powers and raises productivity,according to Dr .Matthew Tucker,city university Newyork.However,"There is resistance to staff nodding off in the office.Time devoted to daytime napping has been considered to be counterproductive in environments requiring mental acuity and substantial memory capacity".
But he proved that idea wrong in his experiments.After memorizing pairs of words,volunteers were divided into two groups,one allowed to sleep for the better part of an hour,and the other who read or watched films.In a test aftewards,those who had slept remembered more than the others.
Does even a short sleep renew us in some way?And,if so,can we make use of it in the office?

Posted by Ajay :: 10:07 AM :: 0 comments

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