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Interesting Findings And World Unfolding Through My Eyes.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


NEW PHYSICS AND THE MIND. Some physicists think that Big Science has kidnapped physics and left the mind and consciousness behind.

What is the mind? And how can physicists, of all people, be the ones to explain consciousness and the mind?

Read more about the mind and physics.
Look inside the book NEW PHYSICS AND THE MIND.

PART ONE: ENTERING THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY. String theory dominates academic physics, but more and more physicists are questioning its validity.

Read "Twentieth-Century Physics" from Part One of NEW PHYSICS AND THE MIND.

PART TWO: PHYSICS AND THE MIND. The mind and consciousness have been part of physics since the earliest days of quantum physics. Roger Penrose’s 1989 The Emperor’s New Mind placed the mind and consciousness at the intersection of relativity and quantum physics, and proposed that the mind and consciousness are at the heart of physics’ theory of everything.

* Read "The Emperor's New Mind" from Part Two of NEW PHYSICS AND THE MIND.

PART THREE: NEW PHYSICS. Physicists have continued to develop theories that intimately relate to the mind. The best of these theories of physics and the mind also incorporate phenomena of new physics—extra dimensions, entanglement, entropy and information, black holes, tunneling, Bose-Einstein condensates, chaos and complexity, dark matter and dark energy.

* Read "Quantum Gravity" from Part Three of NEW PHYSICS AND THE MIND.

PART FOUR: SPECULATIONS. Count down the Top Ten Hidden Radical Theories of New Physics and the Mind.

Read "Hidden Radical Theory #3: Sidharth's Quantum Black Holes" from Part Four of NEW PHYSICS AND THE MIND.

Posted by Ajay :: 6:25 PM :: 0 comments

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