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Interesting Findings And World Unfolding Through My Eyes.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Mantra Of Becoming Celebrity And Its Rise And Fall

Periodically the newspapers report the latest celebrity scandal—another talented young person down in flames to drugs, alcohol, or violence. Every time it happens, people ask, "Why? How is it that people with everything going for them self-destruct like this?"

To answer the question, let’s examine the case of a fictional celebrity.

We’ll call him Celebrity X. He is in his early 20’s and has achieved a success most people have to work a lifetime for. He has millions in the bank, a fabulous home, multiple cars, adoring fans, and the respect of his peers. He has success beyond his wildest dreams.

What does he do now?

A young person brought up in conventional society, educated in the public schools and taught a Judeo-Christian morality, has probably heard the

following: the only reason to achieve is to serve society; the essence of morality is self-sacrifice; choose important values by following your emotions. Celebrity X takes these ideas seriously. What is the result?

The first thing Celebrity X will feel is guilt. He looks around and sees people who are older, smarter, and have been working at their careers for decades––and still haven’t come close to his level of success. He’ll see the poor people around the world and wonder why he deserves his success while they have nothing.

To assuage his guilt, he’ll need a cause. Today’s most popular celebrity causes are eradicating poverty in Africa and saving the environment.

Celebrity X will throw himself into these causes so intensely that they will begin to take over his life. Since he has been taught that succeeding in a career is selfish and has no moral value, his success leaves him feeling empty. The only time he feels motivated to work is when he notices his bank account starting to get too low.

Since he lives in Hollywood and is active in the social scene, drugs and alcohol are a constant temptation. Eventually, the combination of guilt over his success and the pressure of trying to prove himself moral via his causes will bring him to such an unbearable level of stress that we will feel the only solution is to drown it in drugs and alcohol. Since he has been taught that reason has no moral status, he will not think about what he is doing to his mind with drugs and alcohol. Since he does not believe that reason is the proper tool to use to choose values, he will not worry about what he is doing to his life by destroying his mind. Since all his friends use drugs and alcohol and he wants to fit in with his friends, the only thing he’ll worry about is how many smiling faces he can surround himself with.

Then one day he will wake up broke and unable to get a job because no one will hire an alcoholic drug addict.
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Posted by Ajay :: 9:54 AM :: 0 comments

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