Saturday, May 12, 2007
1857's Hero
Jhansi Ki Rani (The Queen of Jhansi)
-Poem written by Subdhra
The throne got shook, and the tension erupted among the Raajvanshs, the royal heirs of the throne,
In aged India, a new wave of youth was spreading,
All the inhabitants of India had realized the worth of their lost freedom,
All of them had decided to get rid of the British rule,
The old swords started glittering again like new ones in the form of the freedom movement in 1857.
From the mouths of the Bandelas and the Harbolas (Religious singers of Bandelkhand), we heard the tale of the courage of the Queen of Jhansi relating how gallantly she fought like a man against the British intruders: such was the Queen of Jhansi.
She was as dear to the Nana (Nana Ghunghupant ) of Kanpur as her real sister,
Her name was Laxmibai and she was the only daughter of her parents,
She had been with Nana from her early childhood, since she was a school student.
Spear, knife, sword, axe (all different types of weapons used in her time) were her companions all the time.
She had learned by heart the valorous stories of shivaji (a renowned king of Maharashtra).
From the mouths of the Bandelas and the Harbolas (Religious singers of Bandelkhand), we heard the tale of the courage of the Queen of Jhansi relating how gallantly she fought like a man against the British intruders: such was the Queen of Jhansi.
No one could guess whether she was Laxmi or Durga devi ( Durga Goddess , also called Bhavani ) or reincarnation of Devi durga,
Her expertise in using a sword made the people of Marathward (Pulkit) wonder,
They learned the war strategy of how to attack the prey,
To ambush her prey and to break the vanity were among her favorite supports,
Maharashtra-kul-Devi (The goddess of the Maharashtra ) was as dear to her as Bhavani (Durga Devi )
From the mouths of the Bandelas and the Harbolas (Religious singers of Bandelkhand), we heard the tale of the courage of the Queen of Jhansi relating how gallantly she fought like a man against the British intruders: such was the Queen of Jhansi.
More at:
Posted by Ajay ::
2:35 PM ::

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