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Interesting Findings And World Unfolding Through My Eyes.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Buy two get one free.No,come and experience the feeling of our product its different ,these kind of slogan was coming in John Nash mind as he was head of marketing department in multinational company and he has to launch new product.As he use to get bored often ..Suddenly his mind start flying and he imagined how good and different it would be if our company developed some kind of product or idea or place where people can destress itself.As out of 10 at least 8 get bored with their 9 to5 job .And want to explore and reduce stress and work pressure thats why alot of people from America are going India only learning meditation by which they can feel happiness,destress itself and get peace..
He started working on his project(Happiness@.....) he thought as stress is in plenty everywhere so my project will work.He made three point power presentation..
1.As scientist say ,our body is nothing but result of chemical reaction so suppose if we feel stressed then some chemical must have excessive or something become less in our body so we will develop such an injection which will carry those chemicals and we would feel happy if we take that injection .
2.We will develop one place which will according to Vastu Shastra(Home Science and Architecture),and will carry only positive energy as people will enter in that house we will be at peace and become happy..
3.And this place will also provide one another freedom which is free sex as everybody more or less keep cutting our natural instinct of experiencing pleasure that's why we become more stressed .So we will provide them free to make any relation with anybody. This free to all..
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"Knock,knock...Sir..Sir..Please open the door its 10,o'clock night,don't want to go home your wife has called more than12times.."Peon of Office said...John Nash awoke and ran for home.........

Posted by Ajay :: 9:22 AM :: 0 comments

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