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Interesting Findings And World Unfolding Through My Eyes.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Where Is Origin Of Superstitious Beliefs

I'm curious about the origin of superstitious beliefs. Some are ancient, others more recent, and still others may be family orientated. My mother's father was adament that when you move, you don't take your broom with you. Her mother, on the other hand, did not share this belief. She reasoned, the only bad luck was that you didn't have a broom to use at your new house.
My father moved recently. We forgot to take the broom or I put it some place. In any event, I had to buy him a new one. I was at the grocery store picking up other items for him and decided to get him a new broom. Evidently, the bar code on the "plastic" wrapper was wrinkled or running the wrong way to be scanned. So, the "checker" picked it up, I said, "Watch the handle," but she proceeded to goose the woman at the check stand behind her. I know this because instead of hearing the "scanner" beep, I heard the woman in the other isle exclaim, "Woo!" in a high-pitched squeal. Followed by laughter from others in line. Who knows, maybe my grandfather had a point.

I have a thing about the number 13. My cousin was quick to point out that Friday the 13th is a lucky day for people who are paid twice a month. Now, that's something to think about.

My aunt wouldn't cook spaghetti until everyone was home. On a couple of occasions when she did, there was some sort of family emergency. My cousin has the same thing with Sloppy Joes.

There's an old belief that you stir batter in the same direction, otherwise it won't turn out right -- your pancakes won't be fluffy, your cake will fall, etc.

I have a friend who won't tell you about a disturbing dream she had until after she had her breakfast. She doesn't want the dream to come true.

Many people in the South eat black-eyed peas, hog jowl, and turnip greens on New Year's Day. They won't eat anything with a claw because it'll "scratch back" the old year. What if it was an excedptionally good year? Maybe you just don't tempt fate.

Sports figures don't change/wash an article of clothing during a winning season.

Theatre people have them, too. You've heard the expression, "Break a leg." This may have been adopted by others who don't want to be jinxed by being wish, "Good Luck!"

Well, we'll continue to wish upon a falling star, avoid walking under ladders, opening an umbrella in the house, and knocking on wood to avoid bad luck. We'll also continue to create new ones that may be unique only to us and to our family.

Posted by Ajay :: 6:23 PM :: 0 comments

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