Sunday, May 20, 2007
Parallel Universe
Physicists are converging on a "theory of everything," probing the 11th dimension, developing computers for the next generation of robots, and speculating about civilizations millions of years ahead of ours, says Dr. Michio Kaku, author of the best-sellers Hyperspace and Visions and co-founder of String Field Theory, in this Interview by Editor Amara D. Angelica.
What are the burning issues for you currently?
Well, several things. Professionally, I work on something called Superstring theory, or now called M-theory, and the goal is to find an equation, perhaps no more than one inch long, which will allow us to "read the mind of God," as Einstein used to say.
In other words, we want a single theory that gives us an elegant, beautiful representation of the forces that govern the Universe. Now, after two thousand years of investigation into the nature of matter, we physicists believe that there are four fundamental forces that govern the Universe.
Some physicists have speculated about the existence of a fifth force, which may be some kind of paranormal or psychic force, but so far we find no reproducible evidence of a fifth force.
Now, each time a force has been mastered, human history has undergone a significant change. In the 1600s, when Isaac Newton first unraveled the secret of gravity, he also created a mechanics. And from Newton's Laws and his mechanics, the foundation was laid for the steam engine, and eventually the Industrial Revolution.
So, in other words, in some sense, a byproduct of the mastery of the first force, gravity, helped to spur the creation of the Industrial Revolution, which in turn is perhaps one of the greatest revolutions in human history.
The second great force is the electromagnetic force; that is, the force of light, electricity, magnetism, the Internet, computers, transistors, lasers, microwaves, x-rays, etc.
And then in the 1860s, it was James Clerk Maxwell, the Scottish physicist at Cambridge University, who finally wrote down Maxwell's equations, which allow us to summarize the dynamics of light.
That helped to unleash the Electric Age, and the Information Age, which have changed all of human history. Now it's hard to believe, but Newton's equations and Einstein's equations are no more than about half an inch long.
Maxwell's equations are also about half an inch long. For example, Maxwell's equations say that the "four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second-rank tensor equals zero." That's Maxwell's equations, the equations for light. And in fact, at Berkeley, you can buy a T-shirt which says, "In the beginning, God said the four-dimensional divergence of an antisymmetric, second rank tensor equals zero, and there was Light, and it was good."
So, the mastery of the first two forces helped to unleash, respectively, the Industrial Revolution and the Information Revolution.
More at:
Posted by Ajay ::
12:18 PM ::

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