Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Living Over Gossip
In dark room,Michael was sitting there as he lost something big.
Tom-- Hey,Michael,whats up?why are you
sitting in dark room alone?.
Michael--I'm depressed because I got
heavy loss in my business.
Tom---Oh I see ! but
don't worry I have an idea for your problem.
Michael--What idea?
Tom--Meet me
tomorrow at 8:AM sharp at 14
th Avenue new link road.
Michael-- Next day waiting
anxiously at that place but he found none.
Tom---Oh ,sorry for getting late.After gasping few breaths he mumble something in
Michael's ear.
Michael---But .........
Don't worry ,I will handle all only you do as I say.
All of sudden Tom start running as mad dog behind him ,he stopped when
he reached at 25
th floor of tower.
Tom-- Start screaming______Save me!Save me! from top of his voice.
Michael-- start screaming below the building save him ,save him..
In few minutes below the building mob gathered as something big happened.Somebody asked what happened and Michael
mumbled...What this can't be possible..
Michael-- but it is true my friend has been kidnapped by Man From Mars...
Within few minutes this news
circulated like fire and that place become full of media,
TV channels,police etc.And everybody want bite for his channel or paper...
Michael-- That Man From Mars have two demand if we fulfill it then he will leave my friend..
His demand are...1.All war should stop
from earth because these war culture exist on earth only.2.All discrimination should stop as it is the only planet where people behave according to colour ,cast,nationality.
All crew of print and
tv channels wrote down their bite and Michael
negotiated them for taking interview of Man From Mars in whopping Rs 1
At night2:AM when every body was fast asleep Michael and Tom run away from that building...
Tom-- so how much we earn ?
crores ,but I wonder how this whole world and people work,see, no
tv channels verified whether I am speaking right or wrong ,every channel want his bite first for flashing news first for
getting more
TRPS,people start
discussing it as everybody has seen Alien.
But Tom how did you get such a
gossipy idea?
Tom--I have watched BIG BROTHER REALITY SHOW where
controversy and gossip made them rich and famous so I thought lets try it on our dumb society...
Posted by Ajay ::
9:48 AM ::

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